lepomis macrochirus การใช้
- "Sinotaia quadrata histrica " snails predate also on eggs of bluegill " Lepomis macrochirus ".
- Other fish are rare, and in Burchell's redfin's range seem to consist of the introduced bluegill ( " Lepomis macrochirus " ) and Banded Tilapia ( " Tilapia sparrmanii " ) only.
- The sand and gravel provides hatchlings and juveniles with places to hide when threatened by predatory fish such as the largemouth bass " Micropterus salmoides ", northern pike " Esox lucius ", bluegill " Lepomis macrochirus ", and trout.
- Desplazamiento de los charales nativos ( g閚ero Chirostoma ) por dos especies de centr醨quidos ex髏icos invasores, la lobina negra ( Micropterus salmoides ) y la mojarra de agallas azules ( Lepomis macrochirus ) : Un estudio de caso en la presa Valle de Bravo, Estado de M閤ico . sin a駉.
- They can also be used as food for captive predatory insects reared in terrarium, such as assassin bugs in the genus " Platymeris ", and are also occasionally used to feed certain kinds of fish in the wild, such as bluegills ( " Lepomis macrochirus " ).
- In contrast, more than 1, 500 non-native fishes were encountered during the dewatering process, including over 500 sunfish including green sunfish ( " ( Lepomis cyanellus ) ", bluegill ( " Lepomis macrochirus " ) and likely redear sunfish ( " Lepomis microlophus " ), two Louisiana red swamp crayfish.